Milk It Digital

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The Channel Project

The Channel Project is a mobile acupuncturist specialist, based in Hertfordshire. Andrea asked for the Milkshake service to help increase visibility and bookings for her business.

Organic SEO

Milk It performed a full SEO audit on their website, whilst identifying and researching their main local competitors. The audit covered current keywords, backlinks, page layout and content. Areas were identified for improvement, with additional pages added to capture relevant keywords and services. Along with technical SEO issues (missing H1 titles), broken links, a bespoke SEO strategy was created and the website was optimised.


Milk It created a full keyword report, including local SEO, based on the SEO audit performed. All page titles, meta descriptions and page content was amended to align with the keywords identified. Services were renamed to fit user searches, and working with THe Channel Project, H1 titles were added to help usability and SEO.

All changes were tracked in Search Console, and an SEO guide was provided to Andrea for use to maintain SEO going forward.


An increase in impressions and clicks for the correct keywords has set The Channel Project on the right path to be found in search.