Google only loves you, when everyone else loves you first.


Well, that’s a bit of a catch 22, isn’t it? How do you get everyone to love you if you aren’t appearing on search engines?

But it’s spot on. Google can only find you if it deems you of interest to web searchers.

I’ve already covered the importance of backlinks in my previous blog post, and getting found on search engines is more than just hitting your keywords in the copy.

Setting up a loyal customer base is absolutely paramount to having a strong SEO footing in order for Google to see you as an authority on your subject, business or product.

So, how can we do this?

Naturally, social media is top of the list for building and maintaining a strong customer base. Instagram for business is ideal for a visual representation of your company. Here you can showcase new products, designs, ideas and create a relationship with potential new clients. Facebook for business is ideal for a community platform and gaining reviews. Twitter for business is perfect for sharing news, and also customer service. Pinterest for business works well for sharing images of products, info graphics, memes and photography - don’t forget to add a link back to your website too.

When using social media, make sure at every opportunity you are directing users back to your website - every post on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest should ideally link back to relevant posts on your website. Make sure on Instagram you have your website URL connected to your profile.

Instead of using Linktree to add numerous links to your social media profiles, consider instead using a hidden page on your own website to house your links. This drives users straight to your web page, rather than via a third party app first.

Gaining an audience

How do we gain an audience? Regular and consistent posting is a must. You want potential clients to see you as a hub of information, as a place they can visit for reliable and useful information.

Experiment with posting times - maybe morning is better for your audience, on a particular day. Evening or even middle of the night can work for others. Use built-in analytics for your social media platforms to track engagement. Also, don’t be afraid to play around with content. No one gets it right straight off the cuff, you can always delete older posts later that didn’t work, or now don’t suit your new identity.

Making use of a blog is also a great way to build a community - I’m going to cover blogs in a separate post, so keep an eye out for that one.

The key here is building a returning user base, that drives engagement, that results in more website clicks back to you, this, in turn, lets Google know that you are essentially an expert at what you do.

If you need a hand getting your SEO off the ground, and maintaining a good SEO presence, please do get in touch for a chat


Google My Business


Why BackLink for SEO?